Contour Line Drawings…color added:)

Art I students have been studying line drawings — blind contour, gesture, contour line drawings. They also experimented with different types of mediums in their sketchbooks such as pastel and watercolor. As a sort of finale to our study of line, students created line drawings and added color with either a watercolor wash or soft pastels. They then traced back over their drawing with black ink. The results were really eye-catching. Here’s a sampling.



Found paintings…


I found these two small paintings hanging on a narrow wall upstairs in my grandparents’ bedroom a few months ago. I saw them and thought, those look familiar; where did they come from…? and realized I had painted them a long time ago, between 20 and 25 years ago I’d say. Watercolors…not really my thing, I think (my mother’s thing, more). But I sort of like them. They’re just simple, and quiet, dark, calm.
